

                                       MARK   ZUCKERBERG :  JARVIS  AI , FUTURE  TECHNOLOGY                                                             JARVIS  AI  - A DREAM COME TRUE  JARVIS MODEL : IN MOVIE IRON MAN The legend of our time ,who created  Facebook , one of the greatest  founder of our  time, is again on way of creating a great thing which would be very useful  and needful  in future .You may remember  the movie IRON MAN in which the genius TONY STARK has build a personal assistant named  JARVIS , which worked on the instruction of Tony, by listening  tony’s  command through voice . And now the TONY STARK of our time , Mr Mark Zuckerberg  has created this , and named it same , JARVIS . JARVIS is a very handy device , which work on by an app on your smartphone , It can listen your command in and do the work, as for example, when you wake up in the morning it will tell you good morning and adjust your room atmosphere by controlling the room temperature